• 19 mar, 2022

The Life-changing Work of the Refugee Law Clinic Berlin

As a passionate advocate for refugee rights, I am constantly in awe of the incredible work being done by the Refugee Law Clinic in Berlin. This organization is dedicated to providing free legal support to refugees and asylum seekers, ensuring that they have access to the resources they need to build a new life in Germany.

What is the Refugee Law Clinic?

The Refugee Law Clinic Berlin is a non-profit organization staffed by law students, legal professionals, and volunteers. Their mission is to assist refugees and asylum seekers in navigating the complex legal system, advocating for their rights, and providing support and guidance throughout the entire legal process.

Impact and Success Stories

impact Refugee Law Clinic`s work truly astounding. They have helped countless individuals secure asylum, reunite with family members, and access essential resources such as healthcare and education. One particularly inspiring case study is that of Ahmed, a Syrian refugee who was reunited with his family after years of separation thanks to the legal support provided by the clinic.


Year Number Cases Handled Success Rate
2018 150 85%
2019 200 90%
2020 250 95%

How Can Help

The Refugee Law Clinic relies on the support of volunteers and donors to continue their vital work. Whether you are a legal professional looking to donate your time and expertise, or an individual interested in making a financial contribution, there are many ways to get involved and make a difference.

Overall, the Refugee Law Clinic Berlin is an invaluable resource for refugees and asylum seekers, and I am constantly inspired by their dedication and impact. Organizations like give hope more just compassionate world.

Top 10 Legal Questions about Refugee Law Clinic Berlin

Question Answer
1. What services does Refugee Law Clinic Berlin offer? Refugee Law Clinic Berlin provides legal assistance to refugees in various matters such as asylum applications, residence permits, family reunification, and deportation appeals. Their mission assist refugees access justice fair legal representation.
2. Can Refugee Law Clinic Berlin help with the asylum application process? Absolutely! Refugee Law Clinic Berlin is well-equipped to assist with the asylum application process, including preparing and submitting the necessary documentation, representing asylum seekers in interviews with authorities, and appealing negative decisions. Their expertise in refugee law and dedication to their clients make them a valuable resource for those seeking asylum in Germany.
3. Is there a cost for the services provided by Refugee Law Clinic Berlin? No, the services provided by Refugee Law Clinic Berlin are pro bono, meaning they are offered free of charge. This allows refugees who may not have the financial means to afford legal representation to access the assistance they need to navigate the complexities of refugee law.
4. How can I volunteer with Refugee Law Clinic Berlin? If you are a law student or qualified lawyer passionate about refugee rights, you can reach out to Refugee Law Clinic Berlin to inquire about volunteer opportunities. By donating your time and legal expertise, you can make a meaningful impact in the lives of refugees seeking legal assistance.
5. What are the eligibility criteria for receiving assistance from Refugee Law Clinic Berlin? Refugee Law Clinic Berlin primarily assists refugees and asylum seekers who are in need of legal representation. However, they may also provide support to individuals facing other immigration-related issues. It is best to contact them directly to discuss your specific situation and determine eligibility for their services.
6. Can Refugee Law Clinic Berlin help with family reunification applications? Yes, Refugee Law Clinic Berlin can assist with family reunification applications, helping to navigate the legal requirements and advocate for the reunification of families that have been separated due to the refugee and immigration process.
7. What languages are spoken at Refugee Law Clinic Berlin? Refugee Law Clinic Berlin strives to accommodate clients from diverse linguistic backgrounds by providing services in multiple languages, including Arabic, Farsi, and various African languages. This ensures effective communication and understanding between legal representatives and their clients.
8. Can Refugee Law Clinic Berlin represent clients in court? Yes, Refugee Law Clinic Berlin can represent clients in court proceedings related to their refugee and immigration cases. Their team has experience advocating for clients in various legal settings, including asylum appeals and deportation hearings.
9. How is Refugee Law Clinic Berlin funded? Refugee Law Clinic Berlin relies on a combination of funding sources, including grants, donations, and partnerships with legal aid organizations. This financial support allows them to continue offering vital legal services to refugees in need.
10. What sets Refugee Law Clinic Berlin apart from other legal clinics? Refugee Law Clinic Berlin stands out for its unwavering dedication to protecting the rights of refugees and asylum seekers, as well as its commitment to empowering the next generation of legal professionals through volunteer opportunities and practical training in refugee law. Their impact extends beyond legal representation, contributing to a more just and inclusive society for refugees in Berlin and beyond.

Refugee Law Clinic Berlin Legal Contract

Welcome to the legal contract between the Refugee Law Clinic Berlin and its clients. This contract outlines the terms and conditions of our legal services and the responsibilities of both parties involved.

Parties Agreement
Refugee Law Clinic Berlin This agreement is entered into by and between the Refugee Law Clinic Berlin, a legal clinic providing pro bono legal services to refugees and asylum seekers in Berlin, represented by its duly authorized representatives, hereinafter referred to as “RLCB”.
Clients The clients seeking legal assistance from RLCB, hereinafter referred to as “Clients”.

WHEREAS, RLCB is committed to providing legal aid and representation to refugees and asylum seekers in accordance with the laws and regulations governing immigration and asylum in Germany;

AND WHEREAS, the Clients are in need of legal assistance to navigate the complex legal processes and procedures related to their refugee and asylum status;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

  1. Scope Services: RLCB agrees provide legal advice, representation, advocacy Clients matters related refugee asylum law, including but limited asylum applications, appeals, immigration proceedings.
  2. Client Responsibilities: Clients responsible providing accurate truthful information RLCB, cooperating RLCB preparation legal case, complying legal procedural requirements.
  3. Confidentiality: RLCB agrees maintain confidentiality information shared Clients uphold attorney-client privilege accordance German law legal practice.
  4. Compensation: The legal services provided RLCB Clients pro bono, fees expenses charged Clients representation assistance provided.
  5. Termination: Either party may terminate agreement writing, reasonable notice, event non-compliance terms contract valid reason.

This legal contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter herein.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract as of the date and year first above written.