• 18 jun, 2022

Legal Drinking Age Should Be 18

As advocate for young rights, lowering legal drinking age 18 always intrigued me. The current minimum drinking age of 21 in the United States is a topic of much debate, and I firmly believe that it`s time for a change. Let`s reasons legal drinking age 18 explore potential benefits shift.


According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, nearly 80% of high school seniors have tried alcohol, and 60% have been drunk. These statistics highlight underage drinking prevalent legal drinking age. By lowering the legal drinking age to 18, we can promote responsible drinking habits and reduce the allure of forbidden fruit.

Case Studies

Case studies from countries with a legal drinking age of 18, such as Canada, demonstrate that young adults can consume alcohol responsibly. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs found that Canadian youth have similar rates of alcohol-related problems as their American counterparts, despite the lower legal drinking age. This suggests that the legal drinking age does not necessarily correlate with alcohol-related issues.

Arguments Favor

There are several compelling arguments in favor of lowering the legal drinking age to 18:

Argument Supporting Evidence
1. Social Responsibility Young adults are entrusted with many rights and responsibilities at 18, such as voting and serving in the military. They should also have the right to make responsible decisions about alcohol consumption.
2. Maturity At 18, individuals are considered adults and should be afforded the freedom to make decisions about alcohol in a legal and controlled environment.
3. Economic Impact Lowering the legal drinking age could stimulate the hospitality industry and generate additional tax revenue, benefiting the economy.

It`s clear that the current minimum drinking age of 21 is a contentious issue with valid arguments on both sides. However, the evidence suggests that lowering the legal drinking age to 18 could promote responsible drinking habits and empower young adults to make informed choices about alcohol. It`s time to reevaluate our approach to the legal drinking age and consider the potential benefits of a change.

Contract for Lowering Legal Drinking Age to 18

It is agreed upon and acknowledged by all parties involved in the legal drinking age debate that the current legal drinking age should be lowered to 18. This contract outlines the details and terms of this proposed change.


Whereas, current legal drinking age United States 21, proposed age lowered 18 accordance rights freedoms citizens Constitution.

It is further proposed that this change be implemented through the amendment of existing laws and regulations pertaining to the legal drinking age, in adherence to established legal precedent and practice.

Furthermore, the lowering of the legal drinking age to 18 shall be subject to the approval of relevant legislative bodies and shall be enforced in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations governing the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

The parties involved in this contract affirm their commitment to upholding the principles of justice and equality in advocating for the lowering of the legal drinking age to 18, in accordance with the best interests of society and the general public.

Legal Drinking Age Should Be 18

Question Answer
Is it legal to lower the drinking age to 18? Absolutely! Lowering the legal drinking age to 18 is a hotly debated topic. Many argue 18-year-old vote, serve military, get married, also allowed drink alcohol.
What laws currently govern the legal drinking age? The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 requires states to raise the minimum drinking age to 21 or face a reduction in highway funds. However, individual states power set laws.
Are there any potential benefits to lowering the drinking age? Many proponents argue that lowering the drinking age could promote responsible alcohol consumption among young adults and reduce the allure of underage drinking.
What are some potential drawbacks to lowering the drinking age? Opponents raise concerns about increased alcohol-related accidents and health issues among young adults, as well as the potential for negative impacts on brain development.
How does the legal drinking age impact public safety? The impact on public safety is a key concern. Advocates for a higher drinking age argue that it reduces alcohol-related traffic fatalities among young people.
Is the current legal drinking age effective at preventing underage drinking? There is evidence to suggest that the current legal drinking age has contributed to a reduction in underage drinking, but it has not completely eradicated the issue.
What steps would need to be taken to lower the drinking age? Lowering the drinking age would likely require significant legislative action at both the state and federal levels, along with comprehensive education and enforcement efforts.
How do other countries approach the legal drinking age? Many countries have a legal drinking age of 18, and some have even lower ages with restrictions. The effectiveness of these policies varies widely.
What role do alcohol industry stakeholders play in this debate? Alcohol industry stakeholders may have a vested interest in the outcome of this debate, as it could impact their target demographic and overall sales.
What next steps ongoing debate? It`s likely that the debate over the legal drinking age will continue, with ongoing research, advocacy efforts, and potential legislative action shaping the conversation.